The following are general configuration parameters you might that may need to be set when creating a new application: This parameter identifies the name of the service supported by the application e.g. “ARCHER” . Keep this name short, ideally a single identifying name, as it is usually used to qualify other terms such as “web-site”, “service” “helpdesk” etc.
service.url The canonical URL of the application. The short name used to refer to the application itself. Address of an SMTP server the application will use to send outgoing emails.
email.from_address The default FROM address for mails sent by the application
error.email_notify_address An email address where application internal errors should be reported by email
error.email_from_address The FROM address to use for error emails.
info.email_notify_address An email address where the application should send informational/warning messages.
info.email_from_address The FROM address to use for informational/warning messages.
email.force.address A debugging option that forces all emails from the application to be sent to only the specified email address. Text describing the resources the application manages defaults to “ machines”
Logging is handled by an abstraction layer that can wrap various standard logging packages. The default underlying logger is Log4J2.